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Sunday, August 23, 2020
The doctrine of Part performance free essay sample
Property is one of the most major components of the financial existence of a person. Juridically, property can be supposed to be a heap of rights in a thing or a land. Be that as it may, the word has continuously been given a more extensive importance. Financial hugeness of the property, along these lines, lays more on its auras. Property law has subsequently become a significant part of common law. The Transfer of Property Act, 1882 arrangements with the exchange of immoveable property between vivos (albeit a few arrangements manage the exchange of moveable just as steadfast property). Prior to this institution, the exchanges of steadfast property were for the most part administered by English impartial standards as applies by Anglo-Indian Courts. The â€Å"doctrine of part-performance†is one of the impartial regulations applied by these Courts. Regulation of part execution Doctrine of part execution is an evenhanded precept. It is otherwise called â€Å"equity of part-performance†. In law of agreements (for e. g. , an agreement available to be purchased), no rights go to another till the deal is finished. In any case, if an individual subsequent to going into an agreement plays out his part or does any demonstration in facilitation of the agreement, he is qualified for repayment or execution on the off chance that the other party dawdles. This teaching depends on this part execution of agreement. In the event that an individual has claimed a relentless property based on agreement of offer and has either performed or, is eager to play out his piece of agreement at that point, he would not be shot out from the property on the ground that the deal was unregistered and the lawful title had not been moved to him. Segment 53A gives that â€Å"Where any individual agreements to move for thought any immoveable property by composing marked by him or for his sake from which the terms important to comprise the exchange can be found out with sensible assurance, and the transferee has, to some degree execution of the agreement, claimed the property or any part thereof, or the transferee, being now under lock and key, proceeds under lock and key to some extent execution of the agreement and has done some demonstration in encouragement of the agreement, and the transferee has performed or is eager to play out his piece of the agreement. At that point, despite that, where there is an instrument of move, that the exchange has not been finished in the way endorsed in this way by the law until further notice in power, the transferor or any individual guaranteeing under him will be suspended from implementing against the transferee and people asserting under him any privilege in regard of the property of which the transferee has taken or proceeded under lock and key, other than a privilege explicitly gave by the provisions of the agreement: Provided that nothing in this segment will influence the privileges of a transferee for thought who has no notification of the agreement or of the part execution thereof. The Section has been portrayed by the Privy Council2, and by the Supreme Court3, as fractional importation of the English of convention of part execution. By uprightness of this Section part execution doesn't offer ascent to value, as in England, however to a legal right. 4 This privilege is more confined than the English Equity in two regards: 1) there must be a composed agreement; and 2) it is just accessible as a resistance. 5 So far as India is concerned, the segment makes rights which were not in presence when the establishment was passed. This option to hold ownership lays on the express arrangements of the rule. It has been held that the tenet of part execution isn't pertinent to the territory of Jammu and Kashmir. 7 Section 53A was first authorized in 1929 by the Transfer of Property (Amendment) Act 1929, and brings into India a changed type of value of part execution as created in England in Maddison. 8 The order of the area sets very still the impressive vulnerability winning in Indian law. Fundamental conditions for the use of area 53A. Examination of the arrangements of Section 53A clarifies that following basic conditions are fundamental for its application: a) There is an agreement for the exchange of a relentless property. The agreement must be composed and it must be for the exchange of a relentless property for thought. Likewise, the agreement must be substantial in all regards. b) The subsequent fundamental is that the transferee has taken the ownership of the property or proceeds with ownership partially execution of the agreement or, has done some demonstration in the advancement of the agreement. At the point when an individual cases insurance of his ownership over a land under Section 53A, his own lead must be evenhanded and just. That is the transferee has either played out his piece of agreement or is happy to play out the equivalent. At the point when the previously mentioned conditions are satisfied, the transferee can safeguard his duration of ownership over the property. At the end of the day, if these necessities are satisfied, the transferee is qualified for guarantee, under this Section, he ought not be seized or expelled from the property. Examination of 53A with English Doctrine of Part Performance Under English law, the value of part †execution was created by the Chancery Courts against the severe arrangements of the Statute of Frauds, 1677. Sec †4 of this Act given that all understandings in regard of move of grounds must be recorded as a hard copy. The exchange of resolute property based on oral understanding was unlawful and the transferee couldn’t get title in the land. Severe use of this law made extraordinary hardships and a true blue transferee who played out his piece of agreement of by addressing the cost in full or to some degree and who had likewise claimed land couldn’t get title only as a result of the nonattendance of the lawful conventions. Such transferees were powerless and were being bugged. Value at that point went to their assistance. Chancery Courts held that part †execution by such transferees would remove their cases from the Statue of Frauds. From that point forward, the value of part †execution grew further and went through a few phases for securing the interests of the transferees who had played out their piece of agreement in great †confidence and the transferor endeavored to annoy them on the ground of specialized deformity in the agreement. Walsh v. Longsdale9 and Maddison v. Alderson10 are two of the significant cases that have built up the regulation of part execution in England. In India, this tenet has been authorized with a couple of adjustments. A had guaranteed B a specific property as life bequest, which means B could appreciate the property during his life time. B served A for quite a long time upon this guaranteed life domain. The will granting such intrigue and property to B flopped because of need for appropriate authentication. After A kicked the bucket, one of his beneficiaries carried activity to recuperate the property from B. It was held that the demonstration of part execution couldn't be evidence of the agreement since the presentation was a condition point of reference to the agreement. The beneficiary of A had the option to recuperate the said property. WALSH v. LONGSDALE12 Walsh took a cotton factory on rent for a long time from Longsdale, the proprietor of the plant. The understanding was arranged yet not marked. Meanwhile, lease unpaid debts began to amass as Walsh couldn't stay aware of the quarterly installments of lease. A development of one year’s lease could be requested by Longsdale according to the agreement. Lonsdale requested the development lease for one year and held onto a few products of Walsh when he defaulted. Walsh sued for harms. The House of Lords ruled for Lonsdale expressing that by running the plant, Walsh had conceded he was a resident and proof of his agree to the unsigned rent deed. The standard set down in Walsh versus Longsdale isn't appropriate in India †as it didn't comprise the convention of part execution. Prior to 1929 (when Section 53A was embedded in the Transfer of Property Act), the utilization of English value of part-execution was neither sure nor uniform. In specific cases it was applied while in different cases it was not applied. The Privy Council in Mohd Musa v. Aghor Kumar Ganguli13 held that principle of part execution is material in India. For this situation there was a trade off deed which was recorded as a hard copy yet not enrolled. Under this deed there was division of specific grounds between the gatherings who had taken belonging over their separate pieces of the land based on the trade off deed. The gatherings proceeded with ownership over their territories for a long time. After around forty years, the beneficiaries of the gatherings revoked the trade off deed on the ground that it was not enrolled. The Privy Council applied the teaching of part-execution as expressed in Maddison v Alderson and held that in spite of the fact that the trade off deed was unregistered at the same time, since it was recorded as a hard copy, it was a substantial archive and can’t be disavowed. Yet, there were different perspectives a couple of years after the fact expressing that teaching can't be utilized to supersede legal arrangements. At last in 1929, the Transfer of Property Act was changed and the English law of part execution turned into a piece of Indian Laws however somewhat adjusted. The law contained in Section - 53 An of the Act is practically same as laid by Privy Council in Mohammed Musa’s case, which had applied the English value of part-execution with specific limitations. The law joined in TPA is more limited than English value in two regards. Right off the bat, in England the value ensures the enthusiasm of additionally such litigant who has taken belonging based on oral understanding, while under Section †53-A, the understanding must be composed. Besides, in England the value gives likewise a privilege of activity against the evictor, yet Section †53-A gives no such right. Extent of Section †53A The accompanying hypothesizes are sine qua non for putting together a case with respect to Section 53 An of the Transfer of Property Act: a) There must be
Friday, August 21, 2020
Four Theoretical Approaches to Metaphysics Essay Example for Free
Four Theoretical Approaches to Metaphysics Essay There are four hypothetical ways to deal with the transcendentalism and they incorporate Dualism and the hypothesis that what exists on can do as such on two levels the physical or the psychological. The following methodology is Materialism which hypothesizes that everything exists on a physical level. At that point there is the Idealism approach which expresses that everything that exists is mental or otherworldly. At long last, there is Alternative Views which guesses that what exists in neither mental nor profound yet accepted that what exists is both, which implies that what exists is unbiased. In the Materialism hypothesis of power it is said that everything is made of a structure that are currently called molecules. These particles are represented completely by physical laws and are thought to make up everything that we know and see. There were are as yet numerous men in mainstream researchers that vibe along these lines, however the most articulated one was named Thomas Hobbes. Hobbes suggested â€Å"clearly that everything is made of material particles and that all change diminishes to movement. †(refer to) His hypothesis expresses that everything is matter moving to incorporate an individual’s manner of thinking. Hobbes broadly expounds on how this procedure functions and called it discernment or sense. His method of depicting the reality things have various properties and that the properties don't generally exist. The properties of an article depend on what we see them to be. We see a rose to be delightful, smell decent, and have red pedals. Those properties as per Hobbes are totally founded on discernment and the rose doesn't really have any of these qualities. â€Å"The things that truly are on the planet outside us are those movements by which these seemings are caused. (refer to) Hobbes portrays recognition as movement from the outside impacts the movement of within an individual. The movement outwardly influenced the movement within and leaves an enduring impact after the movement is finished or scattered then the movement that remaining parts behind within is left as a memory. The movement that is still within is a discernment and thus is the main driver for deduction, creative mind, and memory. As people we portray this response by allotting words to these recognitions and Hobbes named that as thinking. The way that individuals reason is nothing kind of â€Å"adding and taking away of the results of general names. †(refer to) The least demanding way this can be disclosed is allude it to a PC. The hard drive is considered as the development within and the console and mouse as the outside. The hard drive is comprised of a plate and magnet and works by taking the circle and turning is around at a quick pace. Next the magnet is moved around to encode the information to the hard drive. This entire procedure is done through development and if fixed there is nothing that should be possible to recover or store data. First to store or recover data an outside wellspring of development needs to occur. Development from the outside was spoken to as a console and mouse. The console and mouse which is development from the outside influences the hard drive which is the development from within and the other way around. Since development has been spoken to the thinking of data should be thought of. Presently we comprehend what development impact development implies we would now be able to address the reality of thinking and recognition. The entirety of the data that the PC takes in necessities to head off to some place and should be recovered once more. The PC understands all the information by allotting numbers to the entirety of the information so it tends to be recovered once more. This viewpoint would be viewed as our observation which is thinking which as Hobbes expressed before is our reasoning, memory, and creative mind. Presently a few people would contend that Hobbes hypothesis doesn't take into accounts dynamic and other deliberate activities, yet he goes into insight concerning how that procedure functions. Hobbes tends to the better purposes of the choice procedure by expressing that each choice or development starts of as a â€Å"endeavor†which was brought about by observation. He at that point separates it even into two gatherings comprising of want and revultion. At the point when the undertaking is toward something then it is viewed as a craving and when it is away it is viewed as a repugnance. We partner want and repugnance with words like love and detest or great and awful. So as indicated by Hobbes the fundamental rule of our dynamic resembles a magnet. Let’s take a gander at the magnet that is in the PC and influences the hard drive. At times information can be debased and the data won't take to the hard drive. The procedure of degenerate information being entered from the outside can be considered as an abhorrence. Presently any data that the framework allows in can be considers as want. On the off chance that that didn't bode well, at that point gives take a gander at a magnet access general. A magnet has a positive and a negative side. Anything that is pulled in to the positive side can be viewed as a longing and anything that is repulsed by the negative side can be viewed as a repugnance. In the ongoing years there has been a few progressions in innovation that permits us to reveal the puzzles of the universe. Researchers have discovered issue that is littler than molecules and they are calling them subatomic particles. It has been found that these particles make up each part of the universe and are included some kind of vitality that is associated with everything else. After this disclosure a ton of researchers are shaken about their hypothesis and if Materialism is actually the correct kind of mystical hypothesis to go with. In any case, this doesn't totally preclude this hypothesis it just appears that necessities to certain progressions or changes to the way that we consider Materialism.
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Good Ideas For Your Essay About Rap Music And Violence
Natural Therapies Institute Useful Tips For Writing An Essay On Rap Music And Violence If you have to combine two different papers on rap and violence, it is of utmost importance that you take help and learn what should be included and what should be excluded from the paper. But of the task is to write a single paper that talks about both the subjects, you will do well to look into the different available prospects. Here is what you should get sorted right at the start. There is a difference There is a primary difference between the two chapters and you should not make an attempt into trying to prove that the two are the same. Here are some primary differences between the two subjects. One is a form of music and the other is a street situation There are differences in execution There can be different forms of approaches You need to underline the differences every time you look to make a contraction in the paper about the two forms. And there are certain similarities There is also a certain degree of similarity between the two forms. You may readily explore that in your paper. There is something that can be done at every level, starting from the level of expression. There are people that believe rap to be the theory of violence. Of course, a number of people do not agree to that as well. You are generally free to explore the similarities in the paper. The essay can talk about a number of things and this is where you will have to be a little cautious as well. Some writers tend to extend the similar line too far ahead and you should not give in to the temptation. Do not push the agenda too hard It is all right to have an agenda at the start of the paper. But you must not push it in a fact-less manner. Your paper will sound more credible if you can point out evidences of similarities and substantiate your claims with examples. That will give the due measure of credence to the essay. Explore the contradictory voices in literature The existing literature on the subject must be brought on to the surface as well. There are people that have spoken for the issue and there are those that have spoken against the issue. You should explain the contradiction that exists on the issue. After you have explored these, you should make sure all that is relevant should be explored first. Expert admission essay writing service - get your essays written by professional application essay writer.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Anthem and Brave New World Essay - 839 Words
BNW In the two books that we read, Anthem and Brave New World, there are several things in their societies that are the same, and several things that are different. They do spend their free time doing different things, but their beliefs are basically the same. The two groups educate their children in almost the same way. They are both taught in groups of people that were born at the same time. The information is constantly drilled in to their heads whether they like it or not. In Brave New World, they try to teach them when they are sleeping. Neither one of them has a choice of what they want to learn or whether or not they want to learn anything. If they go against the learning process, they will be punished. The kids†¦show more content†¦An invention or an advancement in something will only be accepted if it helps the rest of the people, such as creating more jobs for them. It has to be more complicated than something that already exists. This helps them to keep bettering the things they have. Although the two societies have almost the same rules about new inventions, the technology they both have is nothing alike. The people in Brave New World are much more advanced. I would say they have even more than we do today. They fly around in helicopters instead of driving cars. Their helicopters even seem more advanced than ours because of how fast they go. The reason these people are so advanced is the same reason the people in Anthem have so little technology. They only allow certain people to create new things. If anyone other than these people invent something, they are punished by being whipped. They don’t even have light bulbs. For some reason they choose not to make new thing better then the ones they have. They think this will hurt their society. There are two very big differences in the societies. The first one is in how their children are born. In Anthem, they are born just how our babies are. They are born naturally and without being given any drugs to alter the way they come out. The mothers go through normal birth and then the children are immediately taken away from them to begin their education. They never see theirShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Anthem And Brave New World 883 Words  | 4 PagesIn order to understand the message conveyed throughout both novels, one must understand the context in which they were written. Anthem and Brave New World were written during the 1930’s, when the world was experiencing the negative effects of communistic ideology. Dictators like Joseph Stalin, and Adolf Hitler showcased the horrors of too much government control. These dictators left millions dead in the name of evil, greed, and a lust for systematic power. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Pros and Cons of Adderall Essay - 840 Words
The Pros and Cons of Adderall Why did the ADHD boy not introduce his girlfriend to any of his friends? He could not remember her name; or better yet, why would a chicken be considered ADD? It never gets all the way across the road because of all the distractions. Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a developmental and behavioral disorder that affects 3 to 5 percent of all school-age children. The American Psychiatric Association explains that, â€Å"Individuals with ADHD may know what to do but do not consistently do what they know because of their inability to efficiently stop and think prior to responding, regardless of the setting or task†(Berne 2). ADHD is believed to be caused by abnormalities in the dopamine†¦show more content†¦When used in school and work it allows them to concentrate and focus on what should be done. For instance Jenny Pearcy a user of Adderall for several years said, â€Å"I use to be a troubled student. I use to have consent run-ins with the law. Things never came easy to me and far too often they never came at all. Adderall was like putting on a pair of glasses worn by Superman. Suddenly everything became focused and organized.†However there are several side effects of this drug such as severe weight loss and nausea. Constant headaches and sleeplessness have also been noted. Heart palpitations, cardiac arrhythmia, blood pressure and pulse changes are serious heath risks that can occur using Adderall. Adderall changes the personality of the person making them very bland. Most of the side effects are not hard to cope since the benefits are so high but the question of is the drug worth it and could I get this far without constantly arises from its patients. Over five million children in the United States alone are prescribed Adderall to treat ADHD (Sturdy 44). That is about three to five percent of all American school children prescribed to the drug. Is Adderall or similar drug treatments necessary to treat ADHD? No, Dr. Edward Hallowell writes that having ADHD is not necessarily a bad thing. â€Å"Often these people are highly imaginative and intuitive. They have a feel for things, a way of seeing right into theShow MoreRelatedAttention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ( Adhd )1145 Words  | 5 Pages Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder To Medicate or Not to Medicate with Adderall? Meghan L. Gonzales National University Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder To Medicate or Not to Medicate with Adderall? The medical world has noticed several changes and improvements during the past century, but maybe none that s as economically rewarding afterward the prescription drug business. New medications turn-up regularRead MoreInformative Speech Study Drugs and College Students Essay1104 Words  | 5 PagesInformative Speech Study Drugs and College Students I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: I reached into my backpack, grabbed an Adderall, and went to the bathroom. I smashed it on the bathroom sink and snorted it. I went back to my class and zipped through the rest of my exam, and it made all the difference. This student incident was found in a 2005 article published by Baylor University on the alarming use of â€Å"study drugs.†B. Thesis: Many of you may be unfamiliar with such a topic,Read MoreAdhd : Causes And Effects On Children976 Words  | 4 Pagestherapy, and different parenting tools. Some medications used to treat children with ADHD are stimulants including Ritalin, Concerta, and Methylin. (Parker 141). There are also amphetamines like Adderall, Vyvanse, and Dexedrine (Parker 141). All of these medications have side effects, and they all have pros and cons when used in children. They must be closely monitored by their physician. There is also non medication related ways to manage the disorder. Therapy for the child or family is also a great resourceRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )1921 Words  | 8 Pagesin the blanks†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (McCarthy, n.d.). Although medication can reduce many of the behaviors associated with ADHD, they also have many side effects. There are two categories of ADHD drugs: stimulants and non-stimulants. Stimulants, such as Ritalin and Adderall a re the most popular medications. They work faster than non-stimulants and are known to increase dopamine levels in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is known to be important for motivation, pleasure, attention, and learning. An increaseRead MoreCognitive Enhancing Drugs: Used Recklessly or Medically Recommended924 Words  | 4 Pagesstructures (Chatterjee, 2004). With this improved development, yields multiple possibilities to a healthy, functioning person’s system. But despite this new advancement, it raises many ethical concerns. Numerous studies have conducted various pros and cons of this new found advancement based on the health, ability and risks of taking the medication. These drugs are known as cognition enhancers. They work on the neural processes that underlie such mental activities as attention, perception, learningRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd ) Essay1623 Words  | 7 Pagestheir social and learning skills and medicine is highly advised. The other side believes that it is all psychology behind the diagnosis. This side believes that the medicine prescribed is being abused. Many say kids are taking these drugs such as adderall and vyvance to increase and help focus their behavior. It is believed that this is an issue because the kids that are taking these medications are kids that may not need them. Since there is technically no official test that leads to ADHD, it canRead MoreAdhd, Whether or Not to Medicate a Child1195 Words  | 5 Pageson the medication. For parent s, there are many things that need careful consideration when deciding whether medication is the right avenue to take for their child’s course of treatment. Things to consider are diagnosis and treatment, what the pros and cons of taking the medication be, and whether or not the medication is the right decision for their child because of all the controversy behind this disorder. When a parent first starts to question if their child has a diagnosis of ADHD there are aRead MoreI Remember The First Time I Was Ever Drug Tested. It Was1346 Words  | 6 PagesThat was the only time I was ever drug tested in school whereas my brothers were constantly being tested. In fact, my 13 year old brother was drug tested and my mom received a phone call informing her that he had all sorts of drugs in his system†¦ adderall, vyvanse, ritalin. They were very concerned about his drug usage. My mom then promptly explained to them that those are usually the medications that are prescribed for ADHD. A lack of communication almost led to my brother suspension over a drugRead MoreEssay On ADHD In Children1172 Words  | 5 Pagesdevelop adaptive measures to compensate their condition. Current ADHD treatments focus on symptom management with medications and behavior modification or with cognitive behavioral therapy. Drugs commonly used to treat kids with ADHD. Adderall, Adzenys, XR-ODT, Vyvanse, Concerta, Focalin, Daytrana, Ritalin, and Quillivant XR, help children focus their thoughts and ignore distractions. Another used treatment to treat ADHD in kids is nonstimulant medication, these medications includeRead Moreâ€Å"Performance-Enhancing Drugs in the Workplace†Essay1392 Words  | 6 Pagesraise healthcare cost. As you analyze the pros and cons of coffee in the workplace, you can say that coffee can enhance the productivity of employees and managers. You can also say that too much coffee can be harmful to employees and managers, and could increase the cost of healthcare and reduce productivity. Many scientists are predicting an increase cognition drug use in the workplace. With drugs like Adderall, which help a person concentrate better
Incident free essay sample
In the Disaster in Franklin County simulation (Regents of the University of Minnesota [UMN], 2006), there were several key personnel in the incident command team. This concept is utilized in real disasters when the Public Health Director is responsible for collaborating with the other key personnel from the community. Some of these people are the Fire Chief, Police Chief and EMS Director who collectively provide a summary of potential public health concerns resulting from the disaster. Often the issues that need to be addressed are obtainment of necessary supplies, potential evacuation plans, management of power outages and hazardous spills, activation of emergency personnel and communication to the public. The Public Health Director will establish the Incident Command Center and assign responsibilities to the various sections. The Public Health Nurse is usually part of a multi-disciplinary team that is deployed to check on residents after a disaster and/or staff the temporary shelters. In the Disaster in Franklin County simulation, the nurse is deployed to go door to door to assess the needs of the residents. The primary function at this time is to triage the victims and evacuate or obtain additional resources based on the specific needs. The nurse also is heavily involved in communication and education about the state of recovery and safety protocols that should be initiated. Chain of Command Chain of Command, as defined by The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), is â€Å"an orderly line of authority within the ranks of the incident management organization†(ICS Intro, n. . , Lesson 2). The Incident Commander defines the incident action plan and assigns the roles of the incident response team (ICS, 2010). The Public Information Officer makes sure that accurate information is communicated to the public and involved agencies. The Planning Chief gathers, analyzes and disseminates information to everyone. He or she is preparing for what else can occur. The Logistics Section Chief is responsible for obtaining equipment, supplies and space needed to carry out the actions of the team. The Liaison Officer is the contact person for supporting agencies and relays information and provides briefings when indicated. The Operations Section Chief organizes, assigns and oversees the team members. The Finance / Administration Chief ensures that all financial processes are correct and monitors resources that have been used (Regents of the University of Minnesota [UMN], 2006). Resources The community health nurse often covers large areas in a disaster and will need to be able to direct citizens to various areas based on their needs. The ability to identify available resources will be invaluable to these nurses as well as the victims. Safety and shelter are some of the most important issues that these nurses will need to address. The strength of a qualified community health nurse comes from knowing the resources available to them to address situations that are out of their scope of practice. Environmental Health Specialists, Social Services, Public Health Director, and Center for Disease Control Prevention (CDC) are agencies that are often consulted. One example of this utilization is a pre-printed informational pamphlet on various topics in several languages that nurses can distribute. During times of stress, victims have so many problems which they are dealing with that it is often hard to concentrate and process all information that they hear. Having this information in written format gives them something to refer back to after the nurse is gone. Other resources are key people in the Public Health Departments to assist with problems such as hazardous pills, grief counseling, evacuation to relief shelters and higher level medical treatment. Actions of Community Health Nurse One of the most critical roles of a Community Health Nurse is to assess the urgent health issues and availability of food, water and necessary medical supplies. Once these immediate health concerns are assessed, the nurse will evaluate the entire situation and their expanded needs. Assistance with this will require the nurse to know the various resources ava ilable in the area and how best to utilize them. In one scenario in the Disaster in Franklin County, a resident inquires about a hazardous spill in their shed. The nurse has pamphlets from organizations like the CDC in several languages that can be distributed for guidance until an Environment Health Specialist can be deployed. The nurse leaves this written information with the victim and makes contact with the appropriate department for further evaluation. The female in the second household appears to be under a great deal of stress because of the additional challenges taking care of a baby and mother in law in this situation. The nurse listens compassionately and then educates the resident on the possibility of relocating to a shelter which can offer supplies and additional support. The nurse also contacts social services to assist the family and arranges for someone to visit the household. The third household had residents that were non-English speaking and the nurse had difficulty communicating with them in their native language. The ability to furnish the resident with pamphlets in their native language allowed the nurse to deliver the basic safety instructions and then arrange to have someone follow up with them that was fluent in their native language. The fourth household that was discussed in the simulation had the potential for a medical emergency because of the inability for the resident to obtain medication for hypertension. The nurse realized that this must be addressed and arranged relocation to a shelter. This shelter supplied the necessary medication as well as medical supervision as needed. Coping With Aftermath Problems resulting from disasters linger for quite some time after the acute phase in a disaster and victims may have issues arise that they were not aware of initially. Community health nurses are often a primary point of contact for many of these situations and must be prepared for various problems. Sometimes, they are called on to simply reassure the victim that they are not alone in the situation and that help will continue to come. When a nurse allows a victim to discuss their concerns, the nurse can quickly expedite referrals to the appropriate area if it is out of their scope of practice. Occasionally, just having the validation and reassurance from a professional instills hope that things will get better soon. In the situation where the caller stated that her husband was angry and her child was drawing disturbing pictures of the storm, the nurse first made sure that the caller was not in any danger. After that, reassurance was given and a referral was made to a more qualified provider for counseling. When another caller identified the problems with mold in the basement, the nurse validated that this sounded serious and informed the victim that appropriate environmental specialist would be contacted immediately to come and evaluate the problem. In addition to validating the potential seriousness of the problem, the nurse knew the area to contact for assistance and handled this for the victim. The nurse quickly identified the importance of the call from the father of the child with the burns on her hands from picking up a ball from a ditch and called 911 immediately. The nurse’s medical training and critical thinking skills guided this decision to prevent potential harm from occurring to others in the area. By notifying 911, the area would be secured quickly and the other departments would be called in as indicated. Throughout all of this, the community nurse functions as the center of a wheel to receive and distribute key information. Techniques In stressful situations people in authority or key positions have the ability to agitate or soothe those that have been affected. The most important thing that the nurse must do is listen intently to what the victim is saying. This is the only way that they can assess the safety of the victim and understand the entire situation. If the nurse feels that safety is an issue, he or she must immediately contact the appropriate department while remaining calm and supportive. The nurse must be able to empathize with what the victim is going through and reassure them that they are not alone. The nurse involved each of the residents in the decision making related to their situation. By clearly stating the various options and discussing the benefits of each, the nurse assisted in giving them some sense of control back into their life. Professionalism is another trait that the nurse must portray, especially as it relates to various departments or agencies. Disasters cause an enormous amount of additional work and stress to systems and consequently may result in slower process times. Instead of criticizing these departments for the timeliness of resolutions, the nurse should maintain accurate updates and communicate this to the victims while reassuring them. If the nurse does not have information that is requested, he or she should either facilitate the victim getting to the appropriate area or research it and follow up with the victim. Preparation of Nurses Reports from ineffective emergency responses indicate that poor responses primarily result from inadequate management (ICS Intro, n. d. ). Effective emergency response and management begins with extensive planning and training involving multiple agencies in a community. This planning and training is ongoing and is updated based on the size of the community, resources available and potential threats to the area. Community nurses will be responsible for treating victims in a holistic manner. In the position paper â€Å"The Role of Public Health Nurses in Emergency Preparedness and Response†(The Association of State and Territorial Directors of Nursing [ASTDN], 2007, p. 5-8), several competencies related to emergency preparedness are discussed. Community health nurses must be well informed of their agency’s role and expectation, be able to describe the chain of command and supervision during an emergency response situation, be knowledgeable of the emergency response plan, know their functional roles and how to execute them, correctly demonstrate required skills and use of required equipment, understand their communication role, identify key resources for situations outside their expertise, recognize and triage deviations that may indicate potential problems and participate in continuing education and evaluating drills. Preventing, preparing, responding and recovering from any type of disaster is more important now, than ever before, for anyone in the healthcare profession. Because of this, nurses may serve as first responders and function in various roles collaborating with other emergency workers to protect the safety and health of communities. References Intro to Incident Command Sysstem. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://emilms. fema. gov/IS100b/ICS01summary. tm Introduction to the Incident Command System (ICS 100) for healthcare/hospitals. (2010). Retrieved May 5, 2013, from http://www. training. fema. gov Regents of the University of Minnesota (Producer). (2006). Disaster in Franklin County. Retrieved from http://www. sph. umn. edu/details/course/7594/ The Association of State and Territorial Directors of Nursing. (2007). The role of public health nurses in emergency preparedness and response. Retrieved from http://www. phnurse. org
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
The Interrupters Essay Essay Example
The Interrupters Essay Essay Gang force is a major job in many topographic points in many topographic points. and if the Interrupters maintain up and spread out their work. it could be lessened. Harmonizing to the US legal web site. â€Å"Gang force means condemnable and non political Acts of the Apostless of force committed by a group of people who on a regular basis engage in condemnable activity against guiltless people. †( UsLegal. com ) In the film The Interrupters. by Steve James and Alex Kotlowitz. there is a group of force interrupters that are working on disrupting and halting force in Chicago. The pack force has gotten out of control. and there are many guiltless people and immature kids being killed because of this pack force. A solution to this job would be for the force interrupters to maintain making what they are making. but besides seek to spread out their group and happen more people to assist them out disrupting force. Although the job of pack force may neer really disappear wholly. the interrupters are making a good occupation of halting it so far. and it can merely acquire better from here. We will write a custom essay sample on The Interrupters Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Interrupters Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Interrupters Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In order to assist work out the job of pack force. the interrupters merely necessitate to maintain up what they are making and acquire more people to assist them. It is a really good thought that the interrupters have all one time been involved in pack force or something of the kind. Then. the people that they are seeking to assist can associate to them alternatively of believing they are merely some kind of authorization figure seeking to state them what to make. it is a batch easier for the people in packs to associate to person who one time was besides in a pack. The interrupters can speak to the people about how they were one time in packs and how much their life has turned around since recognizing that that was non a good life style to populate. In the film. every individual that the interrupters had worked with ended up recognizing that what they were making was non a good live to populate. and by the terminal of the film. all of them were seeking to acquire their lives on a better path. For illustration. Flamo. who Cobe could hardly even acquire to speak to him or listen to anything he said. had a occupation and was happy to be working. At the get downing Flamo was merely worried about drugs and desiring to kill people. but Cobe did non give up on him. and at the terminal he had a occupation and was non making that material any longer. Capryshia was another 1 that was highly difficult to work with. but by the terminal they had gotten to her. and she was go toing school and acquiring her life on path. Although the interrupters may non be able to wholly halt pack force. they are decidedly acquiring someplace with it. They have helped many people to recognize that pack force is non a good manner to populate your life. It merely takes clip. and finally over clip we could stop up seeing a batch less gang force. All we need is for people like this to maintain working at it and acquiring more people to assist them accomplish this end. Some people might state that the interrupters are non assisting the pack force because of the sum of pack force that still exists. They might state that it is non even worth the interrupters clip because merely a few people are acquiring helped. and merely some pack force is acquiring stopped. This is a valid point. but you have to get down someplace. Cipher is traveling to be able to merely snarl their fingers and stop the force. It is traveling to take clip. and the interrupters know that. They are making what they can for the clip being. and it candidly appears to be working. They are working on acquiring more interrupters to fall in them and finally will be able to halt a batch more force. Just expression at what they have done already ; there are a batch of people that have shied off from the pack force because of what these fantastic people are making. It’s good for the people involved in the force interrupters to cognize that the interrupters have besides been portion of pack force before. so so they know that there is hope for them to clean up their lives. Although some people may thiknk that the interrupters are blowing their clip because they think that they are merely assisting a few people. the interrupters are making a truly good occupation and demand to go on making what they are making. There will likely neer be a complete halt to gang force. but we are headed in the right way with seeking to decrease the sum of force we are seeing ; we merely necessitate clip. Another thing that could be a solution to the pack force job would be for the interrupters to acquire the constabulary involved with them. Although it could be bad because the people in the packs are more likely to desire to speak to person that is non in authorization. the interrupters teaming up with the constabulary could be a aid. It would be best for the interrupters to seek to make the most that they can on their ain visual perception that the people in packs are more comfy around them. but when it comes down to them non being able to nterrupt the force. they could so name the constabulary and acquire the constabulary involved. Although the people in the packs are non traveling to desire the constabulary to be at that place. they will at least be a small more intimidated by the constabulary. and if things do non halt. the constabulary can collar them. A batch of the times. one time a individual in a pack spends a nice sum of clip in gaol for what they have done. they come to recognize that the things they are making truly are non deserving disbursement so much clip in gaol over. In the film. there was a male child that spent a few old ages in prison for trying to rob a hair cutting topographic point. Once acquiring out of gaol. he wholly got his life back on path. He chiefly realized how much him being gone affected his household. particularly his small brother and sister. He went and apologized to the people at the topographic point and candidly felt highly awful for what he did. If the interrupters get the constabulary involved and get down acquiring more people in serious problem for the pack force they are perpetrating. the rates of force will besides travel down to because people realize that making that much clip off from your household the people that love you truly is non deserving the force. Peoples will get down to desire to alter their ways if they see so many people really acquiring in serious problem for their actions. Maya Angelou. harmonizing to mayaangelou. com. is a â€Å"celebrated poet. memoirist. novelist. pedagogue. playwright. manufacturer. actress. historian. film maker. and civil rights militant. †( hypertext transfer protocol: //mayaangelou. com/bio/ ) . She was born in St. Louis. Missouri. but spent most of her life turning up in Stamps. Alabama. While here. she saw a batch of racial favoritism. but at the same clip took the clip to pay attending and retrieve the Afro-american civilization and household values. Throughout her life. Maya did many unbelievable things. excessively many to even get down to advert. but she has a really celebrated verse form called â€Å"Still I Rise. †This verse form is all about different obstructions she has faced because of her race and other things. but ever ends with â€Å"but still I rise. †She is seeking to state people that despite of the adversities you face. you still necessitate to lift and demo the people that you can lift up after confronting these. Maya is besides stating others in the verse form that they need to be proud of their heritage. and they will confront troubles because of it. Despite any troubles. they still need to lift and get the better of it. There is ever another twenty-four hours to go a better individual. This verse form can associate greatly to the Interrupters and the pack force. These people that are involved in pack force frequently feel like their lives have already been ruined. and this is the lone solution to it. They want to travel out and wounded people who have said bad things about them or their household. They think that the lone solution to being discriminated against. talked about. set down. etc. s to stop it with force. Just like the interrupters have shown with Capryshia and Flamo. there is hope. They need to still lift up after these things are said to them. Rather than allow it trouble oneself them so much and seek to work out it with force. they need to lift up and be above it. Show people that they really can acquire back up after it. and possibly the people would derive a spot more regard for them. Maya Angelou went through man y adversities in her life. and she merely rose up after them and was ready to confront the following adversity. There is really much hope for these people involved in the pack force. The interrupters are at that place to demo them that there is a batch more to life than being in packs and desiring to ache people overtime they look at you the incorrect manner. The interrupters overcame all of their gang force issues and now want to assist others get the better of them excessively. This is a immense sum of cogent evidence that it can be done if people are traveling from being in packs and killing people to being a force interrupter that wants to halt all of this because they know there is a better life in front. The film The Interrupters gives us a new visible radiation on how much pack force there really is in Chicago. which is right in our backyard. Although it is sad to see the sum of force taking topographic point and people being killed. it is good to cognize that there are people out at that place seeking to halt it and wining. Although it may look that at that place has non been much advancement. the interrupters have made a great halt toward stoping it. and they need to go on what they are making so we can maintain seeing more and more advancement in the old ages to come.
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